Conference: Telecom Negotiations


If your firm spends a fortune in telecomm services, here's a conference worth attending: The CCMI's 13th Annual Telecom Negotiation Conference. It's two days long (March 14-15, 2005) and takes place in Orlando.

Here's what it promises:

  • Discover how to use Master Agreements to manage multiple commitments and staggered contract terms.
  • Learn how to look inside a carrier's financials for telltale signs of coming problems.
  • Find out why your incumbent carrier’s unsolicited bid is an early warning sign.
  • Understand why traffic volume matters little in a negotiation – and why leverage is the true driver behind a winning deal.
  • Uncover the best methods for baselining your deal – before you solicit vendor proposals.
  • See how to develop a winning strategy that gives you the flexibility and protection you need when your carrier falls on hard times.
  • Discover how to spot hidden – and costly – sub-commitments in carrier “monitoring conditions."
  • Learn how dangerous “commitment ratchet clauses” can put you at risk of being in a very expensive shortfall position, and how to protect yourself with the right “MAC cushion”.
  • Find out how to use a combination of traditional Tier II carriers and RBOC LD to squeeze the majors.
  • The cost is $1,170 for registering before January 28, $1,295 after that.