Fear and Trembling in India Ceases


Were offshoring firms in India truly worried about the prospect of John Kerry becoming president? How could a force that is seemingly unstoppable appear so vulnerable? I suspect there were many more attorneys reporting to corporate America putting in hours on how to sneak over possible future legal obstacles than there were members of Mr. Kerry's advisory team trying to figure out what obstacles should be set up in the first place.

The International Herald Tribune weighs in in "In India, outsourcing firms rejoice."

The Times of India reports, "Tech stocks rally on Bush lead."

And The Economic Times tells us that "Nasscom [is] happy with Bush victory."

In the latter article, Nasscom president Kiran Karnik is quoted as saying: "Because of the rhetoric against outsourcing, many companies were not willing to talk about their plans to move work to India. But now, we would see more announcements by companies on outsourcing that will spur their peers to look at the concrete benefit it brings."

Maybe that means we'll have better luck in shaking out case study subjects for future coverage on Sourcingmag.com. Without 'em we'll be just another blah-blah-blahg.